The average house price on SHEEPWASH LANE is £574,126
The most expensive house in the street is BLUEBELL COTTAGE SHEEPWASH LANE with an estimated value of £642,049
The cheapest house in the street is ELMBURY COTTAGE SHEEPWASH LANE with an estimated value of £491,329
The house which was most recently sold was ELMBURY COTTAGE SHEEPWASH LANE, this sold on 18 Sep 2019 for £397,500
The postcode for SHEEPWASH LANE is BA12 0QX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BLUEBELL COTTAGE SHEEPWASH LANE Detached £642,049 £380,000 5 Apr 2013
ELMBURY COTTAGE SHEEPWASH LANE Detached £491,329 £397,500 18 Sep 2019
SHEEPWASH COTTAGE SHEEPWASH LANE Detached £589,001 £392,000 19 Dec 2014